Frequently Asked Questions


The Provent course has been designed as a targeted support for people working in the care sector to provide critical information, guidance and practical skills to ensure ‘best practice’ in physical intervention and protective actions. Provent provides essential information required by all people working or volunteering in the human service sector to ensure compliance with legislation, compliance standards and clinical practice expectations.

Carers, Volunteers, Staff, Casuals, Teachers, Clinicians, Nurses, Managers, Support Co-ordinators, Foster Carers, Allied Health Professionals, Admin or ‘front of house’ staff, Counsellors/ therapists, maintenance staff

The course has been designed as both a resource and a course which a participant can work through and complete. It is anticipated that participants even once they have completed their certificate will return to the online material both to revise or clarify information, but also to watch the videos and refresh to moves.

The videos are accessible to participants in chapter # once they logon and are able to be reviewed at any time through the period of the 3 year subscription.

Provent has been designed with the specific needs of the human service industry. In this context of care provision to vulnerable people it is not appropriate to include the aspect of ‘counter attack’ which is explicit in the way any self defence training is designed. For this reason Provent focuses only on ‘escape’ and ‘control’, and in this way ensures the safety of both those being cared for and those providing services.

The certification is valid for 3 years. It is recommended that participants undertake a minimum of annual course review, and in the case of people working in intensive environments where protective behaviour skills are critical for daily use, it is suggested that key areas of content are reviewed more frequently.

Provent has a short quiz at the close of the final chapter that with completion participants qualify for certification. The quiz is targeting the critical elements of the course and can be repeated as required for success.